Sunday 7 June 2015

Winter is finally over

It has been a long cold winter, and with a hiccup here and there.   Biggest one is a leak from the build up of snow and ice on top of the motorhome.   I think we found it in time, and ordered as quickly as we could a full cover for the Motorhome.   Wouldn't it be nice if things would just always go smoothly.   But roll with the punches is how one needs to live.

It is now June the 7, 2015 and we have not gotten the Motorhome dewinterized.   We have managed to get the batteries all back in and the one that died (our fault somehow I am sure) back in and everything running.   

We spent the weekend, cleaning and loading the Motorhome,  all is ready but of course it is still    Besides that and filling it with food, we are ready to go .. lol.

We took a Sunday, expensive gas trip to work out the winter kinks and charge up all the batteries.   One missed turn and the drive was a bit longer...damn those signs sneak up on you fast when you have something long and heavy that you can't stop or turn on a dime.    We ended up on a country road, and suggest it was time to practice a 3 point turn with a 36 foot Motorhome.   I thought it was funny, Bob not so much. 

It was also time to test out all those CDs I put onto tape, so we could play them in the MH radio, when you buy an older unit you get a tape player and not a cd   Even the music worked, picture is of Bob singing with some hand motions to go with.   The song Sweet

Through it all we made it home and took the Motorhome back to storage.   It felt good and cannot wait to actually hit the road for camping.

Monday 15 September 2014

Our last trip of the season

For the first time having the Motorhome, we had a weekend with full hookups.   My but that is nice.   No worries about the batteries, use as much water as you like.   Watch TV, yeah it was nice.   The sad part when driving home, you know it is the last time for the year.   We parked it and cleaned a bit of it out, but found as each day passed we needed something else out of it.   

Tuesday we will be speaking with Owasco and having it winterized, and if the money holds out some work over the winter done on it.   Money Money Money, that should be our licence plate on the MH.   Because it likes money and gas.  Ok perhaps the plate should read Money Gas Money.    Whatever we love her, and will do our best to make sure she has a nice cozy winter.

We will say goodbye and save save save, as I am pretty sure Spring Summer and Fall of 2015 is going to take some money to enjoy our new big Toy.     Oh and that man by the fire is doing his “Thug in a hoodie” impersonation.

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Wednesday 3 September 2014

Labour day long weekend

We unexpectedly were able to enjoy the long weekend with the Motorhome.   Love it when things like that work out.  

We packed up and were on the road with no problems at all, ok maybe someone forgot to release the emergency brake on the Tracker, but after a couple of feet and a terrible noise, we fixed that little problem.

Bob’s sister Cyndy met us in Picton and we continued on to Quinte Isle Campground.   Hydraulics messed with us a little bit with set up, but we know why and hope it does not cost us an arm and a leg to have that fixed.

We believe that Cyndy enjoyed herself, even with the excitement of a Micro Storm, that was way awesome.   It was not awesome for everyone, unfortunately it was severe and others lost items, including a canopy.   Ambulance was called to the campground which we believe was for a Kite Surfer that got caught on the lake when the storm hit.   Like I said it was a good storm.

Cyndy stayed with us until Saturday evening, we enjoyed her company immensely.    Bob and I spent Sunday resting and took a drive around the area, not like we don’t know it well but it is always a nice scenic drive, and I needed a steeped tea from Tim Hortons.    Monday we stayed later then expected and then enjoyed a nice drive home, after a little scare at the gas station when the Motorhome did not want to start.  Perhaps something else we need to investigate.   

Motorhome is still in the driveway with the fridge on, as we leave again on Friday, for what we are pretty sure is our last weekend out for the season.    A working weekend away, time to clean the carpets for the first time.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

It has been awhile

It has been awhile since I have posted, but life and work still gets in the way for a few more years of being where we want to be and that is in the Motorhome, enjoying all the money we have spent on her.   We are still rather up in the air about a name, everyone has to name their Motorhome.    With Bob’s Moms name being Ramona and mine Alice we have thought of combining the names and calling her the Roaming Alice.   But for me the shine is wearing off of that.   So right now she is still the Old Girl.

This week Katie and I spent a Sunday at the flea market, looking through literally hundreds of cassette tapes.   That is right folks cassette tapes, because our Old Girl has a cassette player in the radio.   After that it was hours on the internet until I found a stereo system that will play cds, cassettes, has a usb port and a docking station.   Just so you know it was not that easy to find.   All in all it was a bit expensive this week, and I barely left the house.

We are also planning again, due to a very unfortunate family loss of a work colleague Bob will now have the long weekend off, so without any delay, we booked the weekend in at Quinte Isle Campground.   Of course no hook ups, but we are fine with Boondocking.   We will be away, we will be sitting around a campfire, really what more could you ask for.   We had already booked the following weekend and paid for, so it will be three away, 4 home and 2 days away again.     Then sadly it will be time to get a little work done on her by someone else we think…depends on cost.   And have her winterized and put away for the winter months.    Stay tuned we still have those two weekends coming up, lets hope they are full of nothing but joy and relaxation.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

The things you find when cleaning your MH

We were lucky enough to be put onto a product called Zep.  Our Motorhome is of course older and had lost her shine, not to mention the stuff coming off the roof when it rained.  After a lovely time away with it, we decided it was time to give her a good cleaning.   That in its self was an eye opener.   We found a loose panel over the back wheels that is going to need immediate attention.   And a lovely mess at the drivers door, that was well hidden with the sellers arm while he showed us the hydraulics.   Water is your enemy unless we are talking black tank, then it is your friend.

Bob up on top of the MH, scrubbing all the years of neglect off the roof, while I attempted to help by doing the sides.   I was not as much help as I wanted to be, Arthritis is not just about pain, but it strips your strength way, depending on your flavour of Arthritis, and I have two.    Oh and the fact that I fell down the front steps, and a day later my ankle is still mad and swollen, did not help much. 

The first day was washing, and rinsing, yes it took a full day, with the help of one child, he may have slowed us down.    The second day we attacked or Bob Attacked the roof with Zep clear dry floor finish.   He managed to get two coats on the roof, before the weather decided to work against us.   After a small rain delay, we got a coat on the sides of the Motorhome, oh my gosh, what a difference, the old girl looks 10 years younger.   Again the rain, gave us a much needed break, but we were unable to get the other coats on that we wanted to.   But when we do, she is going to shine, with the best of them. 

Someday we will have all the repairs done, and we hope she loves us back as much as we love her.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Our first Vacation under our belt

Was I nervous, yes a little bit, I just wanted everything to go the way it was suppose to.   Silly Me.  

We were unable to get full hookup for our 9 days at Quinte Isle Campground.   Seems if you own a Motorhome and want hookup, you had better be reserving the year before, at least at this very popular campground.   Who me.    So we are off to boondock for the first time on our first vacation, and had not yet found our fresh water tank or how to get water to go in the firggin thing.   A bucket of water sitting in the bathroom with a cup, and our tent camping water container sitting outside.   Good thing we had been tent campers for years and had no problem handling this little problem.   

Side note, I did not give up on finding that fresh water tank, and I did, it took me a few days, but I did it.   Above the propane tank, there is a 3 or so inch hole to the side and if you look in there with a flash light there it is, and a little white valve that had it turned off.   Grrrr, who puts something in a place like that, and does not tell you in a manual?  Somebody building it with a sick sense of humour, thats who.

Anyway Everything went smoothly, wonderfully, until our first full day there, got into Picton to pick up some groceries, and our towed vehicle, overheated.   We left it parked to cool down, and walked the rest of the way with the grandchildren to do our shopping, on the way back to the Tracker, we bought some water to put in it.   It needed no water, so we drove to Picton Canadian Tire, and being a small town, said nope, can’t look at it until at least Friday, this was Tuesday, and no car rental in this small town.    They suggested we try to drive to Belleville, bigger town, but the Tracker only made it a short distance and we were on the side of the road over heating.    Thank god we have CTC roadside.   Linden and Tyler got to have their first ride in a large tow truck.   Canadian Tire in Belleville took the Tracker right away and we went for lunch.   So an hour later or so, we were calling a Rental company and we were in a nice new air conditioned car, for what we thought was a couple of days.   After the third call to the Rental company to extent our rental, we got a call from the garage that said they had finally found the problem.   They replaced the water pump, the thermostat, the alternator, the battery, and a belt of some kind.   None of that fixed the problem, the fourth mechanic found the problem, a balancing belt I believe it is called.   The last day of our vacation camping we got our Tracker back and the rental car was just an expensive memory.   I won’t bother giving you the added expense of the Rental and the Garage to our vacation.   It is just a very sad part of the story.

In the middle of this wonderful vacation we drove our Grandchildren to the other grandparents cottage for a yearly family gathering.   It was a nice time, good food, and the boys had a good time.   But the hours in the car to get there and get back, added up to 7 and a half hours.   What you do for family.

Linden and Tyler our Grandsons, loved the new Motorhome, problem was they never wanted to come out of it.   They wanted to play in it, eat in it…just plan stay in it.    If you offered swimming, they were out and ready to go.   But once you got back to the MH, they were back inside, lol.


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A beautiful Camp site, wonderful weather, the nights were cool with a breeze off the lake, and the days were hot enough to enjoy the water.   It would rain a bit at night and the rain on the roof of the Motorhome would lull you to sleep.   016002   022     021

We booked next year while there, and have full hookup, the boys will love the TVs lol.   We also booked a weekend in September for just Bob and I and full hookup.   Time to test the Microwave and a few other things that need full power.

Monday 21 July 2014

The day before we leave

I somehow thought we were ready, just throw in the food and our clothes, oh and the Grandkids and off we would go.    After shopping for the morning with the Grandkids for the food to put in the MH, and a bill that would joke a horse.   As the youngest one yells from the second floor of the Grocery store, as Poppy takes them to the washrooms.   “Gramma don’t forget to get Cherries”.   All eyes in the fruit and produce area turn to me.   What can you do but say, “Well I am Gramma, where are the cherries?”     Those wonderful people in that large grocery store, start looking for cherries for me.   Two little bags left, and there was no way I was paying what they wanted for those sad looking cherries.   He will never notice..right? 

My little list of say 60 to 80 dollars turned out to be 226 dollars of groceries.   Note to self, never shop with Grandchildren.   Of course we had to stop at McDonalds for breakfast burritos, you know they had to have them, and well we are Gramma and Poppy.    A quick stop at another grocery store, for bacon on sale, like that mattered after the grocery bill we just had…lol.    But I was smart enough to stay in the vehicle with the boys, and let Bob go in alone, you know he came out with more then the things he went in for.   We have a problem with grocery stores.

It is now 10 o’clock at night and we are finally cleaned up and sitting down for the night, that is right folks it took us all day, to put those few things in the motorhome that we had on our list, and the 100 other things we knew we just needed to have. 

We are still working on the water situation, I think we have water in the fresh water tank, although we really have no idea.   Were told there was an over flow and we would know when it was full.   No over flow, no sensor on the panel saying it is full.   It actually says it is empty.   There is water coming out of the taps and the pump is cycling on and off.   So do we have water, is there water, that is the question of the day.   People keep telling me there is a white fresh water tank, under our bed…no there is nothing under our bed, but more bedding and all the toys we have hid from Linden and Tyler.   We both laid under the MH and there is nothing white under there, rust colour yes, white no.    I am sure we will figure it out one day, but it is not today.    Tired and ready to call it a night.    As soon as the boys arrive in the morning, we will hit the road for our first long trip.   Wish us luck, hoping we will not need it, but I would like it anyway.